Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle C. Air Quality
Chapter 388. Texas Building Energy Performance Standards
Sec. 388.001. Legislative Findings.
Sec. 388.002. Definitions.
Sec. 388.003. Adoption of Building Energy Efficiency Performance Standards.
Sec. 388.004. Enforcement of Energy Standards Outside of Municipality.
Sec. 388.005. Energy Efficiency Programs in Institutions of Higher Education and Certain Governmental Entities.
Sec. 388.006. State Energy Conservation Office Evaluation.
Sec. 388.007. Distribution of Information and Technical Assistance.
Sec. 388.008. Development of Home Energy Ratings.
Sec. 388.010. Outreach to Near-nonattainment Areas.
Sec. 388.011. Certification of Municipal Building Inspectors.
Sec. 388.012. Development of Alternative Energy-saving Methods.