Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle C. Air Quality
Chapter 384. Area Emission Reduction Credit Organizations
Sec. 384.001. Definitions.
Sec. 384.002. Purpose.
Sec. 384.003. Establishment of Organization.
Sec. 384.004. Functions; Organization.
Sec. 384.005. Offset Requirements.
Sec. 384.006. Location Restriction.
Sec. 384.007. Staff.
Sec. 384.008. Board of Directors.
Sec. 384.009. Removal for Cause.
Sec. 384.010. Conflict of Interest.
Sec. 384.011. Authority.
Sec. 384.012. Powers and Duties.
Sec. 384.013. Prohibitions.
Sec. 384.014. Annual Report.
Sec. 384.015. Procedure for Filing and Approval of Petition.
Sec. 384.016. Audit.
Sec. 384.017. Withdrawal of Approval.
Sec. 384.018. Dissolution.