Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle D. Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
Chapter 401. Radioactive Materials and Other Sources of Radiation
Subchapter B. Administrative Provisions
Sec. 401.011. Radiation Control Agency.
Sec. 401.012. Designation of Director.
Sec. 401.013. Duties of Director.
Sec. 401.014. Employees.
Sec. 401.015. Radiation Advisory Board.
Sec. 401.0151. Training for Advisory Board Members.
Sec. 401.0152. Information about Standards of Conduct.
Sec. 401.0153. Grounds for Removal.
Sec. 401.016. Officers.
Sec. 401.017. Salary; Expenses.
Sec. 401.018. Meetings.
Sec. 401.0181. Public Testimony.
Sec. 401.019. Advisory Board Duties.
Sec. 401.020. Duty of Agencies with Radiation-related Programs.