Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle D. Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
Chapter 401. Radioactive Materials and Other Sources of Radiation
Subchapter D. Licensing and Registration
Sec. 401.101. License and Registration Requirement.
Sec. 401.102. Application to Nuclear Reactor Facilities.
Sec. 401.103. Rules and Guidelines for Licensing and Registration.
Sec. 401.104. Licensing and Registration Rules.
Sec. 401.105. Recognition of Other Licenses.
Sec. 401.106. Exemption from Licensing Or Registration Requirements Or from Application of Rule.
Sec. 401.107. License Application.
Sec. 401.108. Financial Qualifications.
Sec. 401.109. Security.
Sec. 401.110. Determination On License.
Sec. 401.111. Criteria for Certain Unsuitable New Sites.
Sec. 401.112. Low-level Radioactive Waste Processing Or Disposal License Application and Considerations.
Sec. 401.113. Environmental Analysis.
Sec. 401.114. Notice and Hearing.
Sec. 401.115. Licenses from Other Agencies.
Sec. 401.116. License Amendment.
Sec. 401.117. Construction Limitation.
Sec. 401.118. License Form and Content.
Sec. 401.119. License Transfer.