Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle D. Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
Chapter 401. Radioactive Materials and Other Sources of Radiation
Subchapter G. Special Provisions Concerning By-product Material
Sec. 401.261. Subchapter Application.
Sec. 401.262. Management of Certain By-product Material.
Sec. 401.2625. Licensing Authority.
Sec. 401.263. Application; Environmental Analysis.
Sec. 401.264. Notice and Hearing.
Sec. 401.265. Conditions of Certain By-product Material Licenses.
Sec. 401.266. Transfer of Land Required.
Sec. 401.267. Acquisition and Sale of Certain By-product Materials and Sites.
Sec. 401.268. Liability.
Sec. 401.269. Monitoring, Maintenance, and Emergency Measures.
Sec. 401.270. Corrective Action and Measures.
Sec. 401.271. State Fee On Radioactive Substances.
Sec. 401.272. Audit Authority.