Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle D. Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
Chapter 401. Radioactive Materials and Other Sources of Radiation
Subchapter L. Certification of Mammography Systems
Sec. 401.421. Definitions.
Sec. 401.422. Certification Required.
Sec. 401.423. Powers and Duties of Executive Commissioner and Department.
Sec. 401.424. Mammography Certification Standards.
Sec. 401.426. Application for Certification.
Sec. 401.427. Certification Renewal; Fees.
Sec. 401.428. Denial, Suspension, Revocation, Or Reinstatement of Certification.
Sec. 401.429. Certification for Multiple Mammography Systems.
Sec. 401.430. Inspections.