Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle D. Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
Chapter 401. Radioactive Materials and Other Sources of Radiation
Subchapter M. Laser Hair Removal
Sec. 401.501. Definitions.
Sec. 401.5011. General Powers and Duties.
Sec. 401.502. Examination.
Sec. 401.503. Application Process.
Sec. 401.504. Certificate for Individuals Required.
Sec. 401.505. Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional.
Sec. 401.506. Senior Laser Hair Removal Technician.
Sec. 401.507. Laser Hair Removal Technician.
Sec. 401.508. Laser Hair Removal Apprentice-in-training.
Sec. 401.509. Continuing Education.
Sec. 401.510. Facility License Required.
Sec. 401.512. Term of Certificate Or License.
Sec. 401.513. Display of License Or Certificate.
Sec. 401.514. Laser Or Pulsed Light Device.
Sec. 401.515. Customer Notice; Liability.
Sec. 401.516. Warning Signs.
Sec. 401.517. Operational Requirements.
Sec. 401.518. Safety.
Sec. 401.519. Consulting Physician.
Sec. 401.520. Disclosure of Record Prohibited; Exception.
Sec. 401.521. Prohibited Practice.
Sec. 401.522. Amount of Administrative Penalty.