Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 6. Food, Drugs, Alcohol, and Hazardous Substances
Subtitle A. Food and Drug Health Regulations
Chapter 431. Texas Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
Subchapter K. General Administrative Provisions and Rulemaking Authority
Sec. 431.241. Rulemaking Authority.
Sec. 431.242. Contested Case Hearings and Appeals.
Sec. 431.244. Federal Regulations Adopted As State Rules.
Sec. 431.245. Definition Or Standard of Identity, Quality, Or Fill of Container.
Sec. 431.246. Removal of Adulterated Item from Stores.
Sec. 431.247. Delegation of Powers Or Duties.
Sec. 431.248. Memorandum of Understanding with Department of Agriculture.
Sec. 431.249. Dissemination of Information.
Sec. 431.250. Public Comments for Federal Grants and Contracts.