Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 6. Food, Drugs, Alcohol, and Hazardous Substances
Subtitle A. Food and Drug Health Regulations
Chapter 432. Food, Drug, Device, and Cosmetic Salvage Act
Sec. 432.001. Short Title.
Sec. 432.002. Purpose.
Sec. 432.003. Definitions.
Sec. 432.004. Exemptions.
Sec. 432.005. License Required.
Sec. 432.006. License Application.
Sec. 432.007. Issuance of License.
Sec. 432.008. License Renewal.
Sec. 432.009. Fees.
Sec. 432.0095. Processing of Food Salvage Establishment Licensing Fees.
Sec. 432.010. Deposit of Fees.
Sec. 432.011. Minimum Standards.
Sec. 432.012. Powers of Department.
Sec. 432.013. Denial, Suspension, Or Revocation of License.
Sec. 432.014. Reinstatement of License.
Sec. 432.015. Effect of Operation in Other Jurisdiction; Reports.
Sec. 432.016. Municipal Regulation.
Sec. 432.017. Use of Salvage Warehouse.
Sec. 432.018. Civil Penalty; Injunction.
Sec. 432.019. Criminal Penalty.
Sec. 432.020. Emergency Order.
Sec. 432.021. Administrative Penalty.
Sec. 432.022. Administrative Penalty Assessment Procedure.
Sec. 432.023. Payment of Administrative Penalty.
Sec. 432.024. Refund of Administrative Penalty.
Sec. 432.025. Recovery of Administrative Penalty by Attorney General.
Sec. 432.026. Detained Or Embargoed Article.