Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 6. Food, Drugs, Alcohol, and Hazardous Substances
Subtitle A. Food and Drug Health Regulations
Chapter 433. Texas Meat and Poultry Inspection Act
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 433.001. Short Title.
Sec. 433.002. Policy.
Sec. 433.003. Definitions.
Sec. 433.004. Adulteration.
Sec. 433.005. Misbranding.
Sec. 433.006. Exemption for Personal Use Or Donation to Nonprofit Food Bank.
Sec. 433.0065. Animal Share Exemption; Civil Penalty.
Sec. 433.007. Construction with Other Law.
Sec. 433.008. Rules.
Sec. 433.009. Fees.