Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 6. Food, Drugs, Alcohol, and Hazardous Substances
Subtitle A. Food and Drug Health Regulations
Chapter 435. Dairy Products
Subchapter A. Milk Offered for Sale and Milk Grading
Sec. 435.001. Definitions.
Sec. 435.0015. Applicability of Other Law.
Sec. 435.002. Grading of Milk and Milk Products.
Sec. 435.003. Milk Specifications.
Sec. 435.004. Inspection of Milk and Milk Products by Department.
Sec. 435.005. Inspection of Milk and Milk Products by Other Entities.
Sec. 435.006. Permit to Sell Milk.
Sec. 435.007. Use of Misleading Label.
Sec. 435.008. Milk for Resale.
Sec. 435.009. Fees.
Sec. 435.010. Records.
Sec. 435.011. Hearing.
Sec. 435.012. Refusal to Grant Permit; Suspension Or Revocation of Permit.
Sec. 435.013. Municipal Regulation Authorized.
Sec. 435.014. Criminal Penalty.