Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 6. Food, Drugs, Alcohol, and Hazardous Substances
Subtitle A. Food and Drug Health Regulations
Chapter 442. Donation of Prescription Drugs
Subchapter B. Donation and Redistribution of Unused Prescription Drugs
Sec. 442.051. Donation and Redistribution of Prescription Drugs.
Sec. 442.0515. Redistribution of Donated Prepackaged Prescription Drugs.
Sec. 442.052. Standards for Donation and Redistribution.
Sec. 442.053. Requirements for Donated Prescription Drugs.
Sec. 442.054. Donation Process.
Sec. 442.055. Donor Form.
Sec. 442.056. Recipient Form.
Sec. 442.057. Limitation of Liability.
Sec. 442.058. Database of Participating Providers.