Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 6. Food, Drugs, Alcohol, and Hazardous Substances
Subtitle C. Substance Abuse Regulation and Crimes
Chapter 483. Dangerous Drugs
Subchapter C. Criminal Penalties
Sec. 483.041. Possession of Dangerous Drug.
Sec. 483.042. Delivery Or Offer of Delivery of Dangerous Drug.
Sec. 483.043. Manufacture of Dangerous Drug.
Sec. 483.045. Forging Or Altering Prescription.
Sec. 483.046. Failure to Retain Prescription.
Sec. 483.047. Refilling Prescription Without Authorization.
Sec. 483.048. Unauthorized Communication of Prescription.
Sec. 483.049. Failure to Maintain Records.
Sec. 483.050. Refusal to Permit Inspection.
Sec. 483.051. Using Or Revealing Trade Secret.
Sec. 483.052. Violation of Other Provision.
Sec. 483.053. Preparatory Offenses.