Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 6. Food, Drugs, Alcohol, and Hazardous Substances
Subtitle D. Hazardous Substances
Chapter 501. Hazardous Substances
Subchapter B. Regulation of Substances
Sec. 501.021. Flammability Standards; Determination of Flammability.
Sec. 501.022. Designation of Banned Hazardous Substances.
Sec. 501.023. General Labeling and Packaging Requirements.
Sec. 501.0231. Labeling of Certain Toys and Games.
Sec. 501.0232. Review and Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials.
Sec. 501.0233. Packaging of Hazardous Substances.
Sec. 501.024. Registration.
Sec. 501.0245. Notice of Radioactive Substance Release.
Sec. 501.025. Rules.
Sec. 501.026. Fees.