Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 6. Food, Drugs, Alcohol, and Hazardous Substances
Subtitle D. Hazardous Substances
Chapter 502. Hazard Communication Act
Sec. 502.001. Short Title.
Sec. 502.002. Findings; Purpose.
Sec. 502.0021. Federal Laws and Regulations.
Sec. 502.003. Definitions.
Sec. 502.004. Applicability of Chapter.
Sec. 502.005. Workplace Chemical List.
Sec. 502.006. Safety Data Sheet.
Sec. 502.007. Label.
Sec. 502.008. Outreach Program.
Sec. 502.009. Employee Education Program.
Sec. 502.010. Liability Under Other Law.
Sec. 502.011. Complaints and Investigations.
Sec. 502.012. Reporting Fatalities and Injuries.
Sec. 502.014. Administrative Penalty.
Sec. 502.0141. Administrative Penalty Assessment Procedure.
Sec. 502.0142. Payment of Administrative Penalty; Judicial Review.
Sec. 502.015. Civil Penalty; Injunction.
Sec. 502.016. Criminal Penalty.
Sec. 502.017. Employee Notice; Rights of Employees.
Sec. 502.018. Standard for Physician Treatment.
Sec. 502.019. Rules.
Sec. 502.020. Workplace Safety for Inmates.