Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 9. Safety
Subtitle A. Public Safety
Chapter 753. Flammable Liquids
Sec. 753.001. Definitions.
Sec. 753.0011. Transfer of Powers and Duties; References in Chapter.
Sec. 753.002. Mobile Service Units.
Sec. 753.003. Flammable Liquid at Retail Service Stations.
Sec. 753.004. Storage Tanks.
Sec. 753.005. Vehicle Regulations.
Sec. 753.006. Uniformity and Conformity.
Sec. 753.007. Citation in Action for Declaratory Judgment.
Sec. 753.008. Enforcement.
Sec. 753.009. Injunctive Relief.
Sec. 753.010. Civil Penalty.
Sec. 753.011. Criminal Penalty.