Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 9. Safety
Subtitle A. Public Safety
Chapter 754. Elevators, Escalators, and Related Equipment
Sec. 754.011. Definitions.
Sec. 754.0111. Exemptions.
Sec. 754.0112. Institution of Higher Education: Employee Duties and Insurance Requirement.
Sec. 754.012. Elevator Advisory Board.
Sec. 754.013. Board Duties.
Sec. 754.014. Standards Adopted by Commission.
Sec. 754.0141. Standards for Equipment in Single-family Dwellings; Required Information.
Sec. 754.015. Rules.
Sec. 754.016. Inspection Reports and Certificates of Compliance.
Sec. 754.017. Registered Elevator Inspectors.
Sec. 754.0171. Contractor Registration.
Sec. 754.0172. Inspection Fee.
Sec. 754.0173. Designation of Responsible Party Or Parties.
Sec. 754.018. Powers of Municipalities.
Sec. 754.019. Duties of Owners.
Sec. 754.020. Chief Elevator Inspector.
Sec. 754.021. List of Registered Elevator Inspectors and Contractors; Personnel.
Sec. 754.0231. Inspections and Investigations.
Sec. 754.0232. Registration Proceedings.
Sec. 754.0233. Injunctive Relief; Civil Penalty.
Sec. 754.0234. Emergency Orders.
Sec. 754.0235. Orders to Disconnect Power to Or Lock Out Equipment.
Sec. 754.025. Application of Certain Law.
Sec. 754.026. Disclosure of E-mail Address.