Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 9. Safety
Subtitle B. Emergencies
Chapter 773. Emergency Medical Services
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 773.001. Short Title.
Sec. 773.002. Purpose.
Sec. 773.003. Definitions.
Sec. 773.004. Vehicles and Personnel Excluded from Chapter.
Sec. 773.0043. Fire Fighter Exemption for Certain Patients; Medical Treatment and Transport Operating Guidelines.
Sec. 773.0045. Temporary Exemptions for Emergency Medical Services Personnel Practicing in Rural Area.
Sec. 773.006. Fund for Emergency Medical Services, Trauma Facilities, and Trauma Care Systems.
Sec. 773.007. Supervision of Emergency Prehospital Care.
Sec. 773.008. Consent for Emergency Care.
Sec. 773.009. Limitation On Civil Liability.
Sec. 773.011. Subscription Programs.
Sec. 773.012. Advisory Council.
Sec. 773.013. Peer Assistance Program.
Sec. 773.014. Administration of Epinephrine by Emergency Medical Services Personnel.
Sec. 773.0145. Possession and Administration of Epinephrine by Certain Entities.
Sec. 773.015. Identification of Certain Patients Receiving Emergency Prehospital Care.
Sec. 773.016. Duties of Emergency Medical Services Personnel; Certain Emergency Prehospital Care Situations.
Sec. 773.017. Use of Certain External Motor Vehicle Markings Or Features Prohibited; Criminal Offense.