Texas Statutes
Human Resources Code
Title 2. Human Services and Protective Services in General
Subtitle D. Department of Family and Protective Services; Child Welfare and Protective Services
Chapter 40. Department of Family and Protective Services
Subchapter B. Administrative Provisions
Sec. 40.021. Family and Protective Services Council.
Sec. 40.022. Appointments.
Sec. 40.023. Training Program for Council Members.
Sec. 40.024. Terms; Vacancy.
Sec. 40.025. Reimbursement for Expenses.
Sec. 40.026. Presiding Officer; Other Officers; Meetings.
Sec. 40.027. Commissioner.
Sec. 40.030. Advisory Committees.
Sec. 40.0315. Investigation Unit for Adult Protective Services.
Sec. 40.032. Personnel.
Sec. 40.0321. Salary Supplementation by County Or Municipality.
Sec. 40.0322. Qualifications for Adult Protective Services Personnel; Recruitment.
Sec. 40.0323. Coordination Regarding Recruitment for and Curriculum of Certain Certificate Or Degree Programs.
Sec. 40.0325. Study of Caseworker Education Reimbursement.
Sec. 40.0326. Recruitment of Caseworkers.
Sec. 40.033. Merit System.
Sec. 40.034. Prohibited Activities by Former Officers Or Employees.
Sec. 40.035. Training Program for Adult Protective Services; Continuing Education.
Sec. 40.036. Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Training.
Sec. 40.037. Training Program for Child Protective Services Managers.
Sec. 40.038. Secondary Trauma Support for Caseworkers.
Sec. 40.039. Review of Records Retention Policy.
Sec. 40.040. Case Management Vendor Quality Oversight and Assurance Division; Monitoring of Contract Adherence.
Sec. 40.041. Office of Data Analytics.
Sec. 40.042. Investigations of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation.
Sec. 40.043. Child Safety and Runaway Prevention Procedures.
Sec. 40.045. Efficiency Audit.