Texas Statutes
Human Resources Code
Title 7. Rehabilitation of Individuals with Disabilities
Chapter 115. Governor's Committee On People with Disabilities
Sec. 115.001. Committee; Mission.
Sec. 115.002. Composition.
Sec. 115.0021. Conflict of Interest.
Sec. 115.0022. Training for Committee Members.
Sec. 115.0023. Grounds for Removal.
Sec. 115.003. Reimbursement.
Sec. 115.004. Officers; Meetings; Quorum.
Sec. 115.0041. Division of Responsibility.
Sec. 115.0042. Public Hearings.
Sec. 115.005. Sunset Provision.
Sec. 115.006. Staff; Funding.
Sec. 115.0061. Standards of Conduct.
Sec. 115.007. Rules and Subcommittees.
Sec. 115.008. Gifts, Grants, and Donations.
Sec. 115.009. Functions.
Sec. 115.010. Governmental Cooperation.
Sec. 115.011. Complaints.