Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 10. Property and Casualty Insurance
Subtitle G. Pools, Groups, Plans, and Self-insurance
Chapter 2151. Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association
Subchapter E. Rates for Insurance; Hearing
Sec. 2151.201. Rate Standards.
Sec. 2151.202. Rate Filings.
Sec. 2151.2021. File and Use.
Sec. 2151.2022. Commissioner Action On Certain Rate Filings.
Sec. 2151.2023. Notice of Rate Approval Or Disapproval.
Sec. 2151.203. Recording and Reporting of Premium, Loss, and Expense Experience.
Sec. 2151.204. Notice of Filing.
Sec. 2151.2041. Hearing On Certain Rate Filings.
Sec. 2151.205. Opportunity to Review Filing.
Sec. 2151.206. Hearing On Filing.
Sec. 2151.207. Action of Commissioner On Filing.
Sec. 2151.208. Amended Filing.
Sec. 2151.209. Opportunity to Review Amended Filing.
Sec. 2151.210. Hearing On Amended Filing.
Sec. 2151.211. Appeal.
Sec. 2151.212. Hearings by Department.