Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 3. Department Funds, Fees, and Taxes
Subtitle D. Title Insurance Maintenance Fees
Chapter 271. Title Insurance Maintenance Fees
Sec. 271.001. Applicability of Certain Definitions.
Sec. 271.002. Maintenance Fee Imposed.
Sec. 271.003. Duplication of Assessment Prohibited with Respect to Title Insurance Agents.
Sec. 271.004. Determining Rate of Assessment.
Sec. 271.005. Maximum Rate; Annual Adjustment.
Sec. 271.006. Premiums Subject to Assessment.
Sec. 271.007. Collection of Maintenance Fee.
Sec. 271.008. Duty to Advise Comptroller of Rate.
Sec. 271.009. Effect of Late Advisement of Rate.
Sec. 271.010. Deposit of Maintenance Fees.
Sec. 271.011. Maintenance Fee Due Dates.
Sec. 271.012. Rules.