Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 4. Regulation of Solvency
Subtitle B. Reserves and Investments
Chapter 425. Reserves and Investments for Life Insurance companies and Related Entities
Subchapter C. Authorized Investments and Transactions for Capital Stock Life, Health, and Accident Insurers
Sec. 425.101. Definitions.
Sec. 425.102. Inapplicability of Certain Law.
Sec. 425.103. Applicability of Subchapter.
Sec. 425.104. Purpose.
Sec. 425.105. Written Investment Plan.
Sec. 425.106. Investment Records; Demonstration of Compliance.
Sec. 425.108. Authorized Investments and Transactions in General.
Sec. 425.109. Authorized Investments: Government Obligations.
Sec. 425.110. Authorized Investments: Obligations of and Other Investments in Business Entities.
Sec. 425.111. Authorized Investments: Bonds Issued, Assumed, Or Guaranteed in International Market.
Sec. 425.112. Authorized Investments: Policy Loans.
Sec. 425.113. Authorized Investments: Deposits in Certain Financial Institutions.
Sec. 425.114. Authorized Investments: Insurance Company Investment Pools.
Sec. 425.115. Authorized Investments: Equity Interests.
Sec. 425.116. Authorized Investments: Preferred Stock.
Sec. 425.117. Authorized Investments: Collateral Loans.
Sec. 425.118. Authorized Investments: Obligations Secured by Real Property Loans.
Sec. 425.1185. Authorized Investments: Mezzanine Real Estate Loans.
Sec. 425.119. Authorized Investments: Real Property.
Sec. 425.120. Authorized Investments: Oil, Gas, and Minerals.
Sec. 425.121. Authorized Investments: Securities Lending, Repurchase, Reverse Repurchase, and Dollar Roll Transactions.
Sec. 425.122. Authorized Investments: Premium Loans.
Sec. 425.123. Authorized Investments: Money Market Funds.
Sec. 425.1231. Authorized Investments: Bond Exchange-traded Funds.
Sec. 425.124. Authorized Investments: Risk Control Transactions.
Sec. 425.125. Risk Control Transactions: Definitions.
Sec. 425.126. Risk Control Transactions: Derivative Use Plan.
Sec. 425.127. Risk Control Transactions: Internal Control Procedures.
Sec. 425.128. Risk Control Transactions: Oversight by Commissioner.
Sec. 425.129. Risk Control Transactions: Limitations On Income Generation Transactions.
Sec. 425.130. Risk Control Transactions: Limitations On Replication Transactions.
Sec. 425.131. Risk Control Transactions: Trading Requirements.
Sec. 425.132. Risk Control Transactions: Offsetting Transactions.
Sec. 425.151. Authorized Investments: Foreign Countries and United States Territories.
Sec. 425.152. Authorized Investments: Investments Not Otherwise Specified Or Prohibited; Investments Authorized by Other Law.
Sec. 425.153. Authorized Investments: Certain Previously Authorized Investments.
Sec. 425.154. Applicability of Percentage Authorizations and Limitations.
Sec. 425.155. Qualification of Investments.
Sec. 425.156. Distributions, Reinsurance, and Merger.
Sec. 425.157. Aggregate Diversification Requirements.
Sec. 425.158. Waiver by Commissioner of Quantitative Limitations.
Sec. 425.159. Accounting Provisions.
Sec. 425.160. Investments of Ceding Insurers.
Sec. 425.161. Acting As Real Estate Broker Or Salesperson Prohibited.
Sec. 425.162. Rules.