Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 4. Regulation of Solvency
Subtitle D. Guaranty Associations
Chapter 462. Texas Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association
Subchapter E. Covered Claims; Claimants
Sec. 462.201. Covered Claims in General.
Sec. 462.202. Claim for Unearned Premiums.
Sec. 462.203. Certain Expenses of Receivership Or Conservatorship Estate Covered.
Sec. 462.204. Affiliate May Not Be Claimant.
Sec. 462.205. Determination of Residence of Entities.
Sec. 462.206. Claims Not Covered: Premium Under Retrospective Rating Plan.
Sec. 462.207. Claims Not Covered: Amounts Due Certain Entities.
Sec. 462.208. Claims Not Covered: Supplementary Payment Obligations.
Sec. 462.209. Claims Not Covered: Prejudgment Or Postjudgment Interest.
Sec. 462.210. Claims Not Covered: Certain Damages.
Sec. 462.211. Claims Not Covered: Late Filed Claims.
Sec. 462.212. Net Worth Exclusion.
Sec. 462.213. Amount of Individual Covered Claim; Limit.
Sec. 462.214. Certain Shareholders' Claims: Limit.