Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 5. Protection of Consumer Interests
Subtitle C. Deceptive, Unfair, and Prohibited Practices
Chapter 544. Prohibited Discrimination
Subchapter A. General Prohibitions Against Discrimination by An Insurer Or Health Maintenance Organization
Subchapter B. Other General Prohibitions Against Discrimination by Insurers
Subchapter C. English Fluency
Subchapter D. Family Violence
Subchapter E. Fibrocystic Breast Condition
Subchapter F. Church Property
Subchapter G. Mold Claim Or Damage
Subchapter H. Water Damage Claims
Subchapter I. Criminal Offenses
Subchapter J. Prohibited Practices Relating to Exposure to Asbestos Or Silica
Subchapter K. Previous Denial of Health Benefit Plan Coverage
Subchapter L. Consumer Inquiry
Subchapter M. Political Affiliation and Expression
Subchapter N. Living Organ Donors