Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 5. Protection of Consumer Interests
Subtitle C. Deceptive, Unfair, and Prohibited Practices
Chapter 551. Practices Relating to Declination, Cancellation, and Nonrenewal of Insurance Policies
Subchapter C. Declination, Cancellation, and Nonrenewal Of certain Property and Casualty Policies
Sec. 551.101. Definition.
Sec. 551.102. Applicability of Subchapter.
Sec. 551.103. Cancellation.
Sec. 551.104. Authorized Cancellation of Policies.
Sec. 551.1041. Rulemaking Authority Relating to Notice of Cancellation of Certain Personal Automobile Insurance Coverages.
Sec. 551.105. Nonrenewal of Policies; Notice Required.
Sec. 551.1053. Mandatory Nonrenewal of Private Passenger Automobile Insurance Policies.
Sec. 551.1055. Changes to Policy On Renewal.
Sec. 551.106. Renewal and Reinstatement of Personal Automobile Insurance Policies.
Sec. 551.107. Renewal of Certain Policies; Premium Surcharge Authorized; Notice.
Sec. 551.108. Insurer Records.
Sec. 551.109. Insurer Statement.
Sec. 551.110. Liability for Disclosure.
Sec. 551.111. Effect of Noncompliance.
Sec. 551.112. Rules.
Sec. 551.113. Declination, Nonrenewal, Or Cancellation Prohibited; Consideration of Consumer Inquiry.