Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 6. Organization of Insurers and Related Entities
Subtitle B. Organization of Regulated Entities
Chapter 823. Insurance Holding Company Systems
Subchapter F. Insurer's Loans to Or Investment in Affiliate
Sec. 823.251. Definition.
Sec. 823.252. General Authority Relating to Affiliates.
Sec. 823.253. General Standard for Investment in Affiliate.
Sec. 823.254. Standard for Investment in Affiliate by Insurer with Low Total Liabilities.
Sec. 823.255. Agreement of Affiliate to Limit Certain Investments.
Sec. 823.256. Commissioner's Approval of Investment.
Sec. 823.257. Determination Required Before Investment.
Sec. 823.258. Disposition of Investment in Subsidiary After Cessation of Control.
Sec. 823.259. Exemption from Certain Limitations; Investment Authority Cumulative of Other Law.