Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 6. Organization of Insurers and Related Entities
Subtitle I. Surplus Lines Insurers; Companies Not Organized in Texas
Chapter 983. Redomestication of Insurers and Health Maintenance Organizations
Subchapter B. Redomestication Process
Sec. 983.051. Redomestication: Foreign to Domestic.
Sec. 983.052. Redomestication: Domestic to Foreign.
Sec. 983.053. Redomestication: Foreign to Foreign.
Sec. 983.054. Notice and Filing Required.
Sec. 983.055. Forms of Insurance Policy Or Evidence of Coverage.
Sec. 983.056. Outstanding Insurance Policy Or Evidence of Coverage: Change of Name.
Sec. 983.057. Issuance of Amended Certificate of Authority.