Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 7. Life Insurance and Annuities
Subtitle A. Life Insurance in General
Chapter 1105. Standard Nonforfeiture Law for Life Insurance
Subchapter B. Computation of Adjusted Premiums Using Nonforfeiture Net Level Premium Method
Sec. 1105.051. Applicability of Subchapter.
Sec. 1105.052. Computation of Adjusted Premiums Using Nonforfeiture Net Level Premium Method.
Sec. 1105.053. Computation of Amounts for Policy with Changing Benefits Or Premiums.
Sec. 1105.054. Computation of Amounts for Policy Issued On Substandard Basis.
Sec. 1105.055. Use of Mortality Tables and Interest Rates with Nonforfeiture Net Level Premium Method.
Sec. 1105.056. Nonforfeiture Interest Rate.
Sec. 1105.057. Refiling of Policy Provisions Not Required.