Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle A. Health Coverage in General
Chapter 1201. Accident and Health Insurance
Subchapter C. General Policy Standards and Provisions
Sec. 1201.101. Standards for Policy Provisions.
Sec. 1201.102. Prohibition of Policy Provisions.
Sec. 1201.103. Compliance with Minimum Standards for Benefits.
Sec. 1201.104. Minimum Standards for Benefits.
Sec. 1201.105. Minimum Standards for Benefits for Long-term Care in Individual, Group, Or Blanket Policy.
Sec. 1201.106. Identification of Policies According to Coverage Provided.
Sec. 1201.107. Outline of Coverage Required.
Sec. 1201.108. Format and Content of Outline of Coverage.
Sec. 1201.109. Notice of Rate Increase for Major Medical Expense Insurance Policy.