Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle B. Group Health Coverage
Chapter 1251. Group and Blanket Health Insurance
Subchapter F. Continuation Or Conversion Privilege On Termination of Coverage Under Group Policy
Sec. 1251.251. Continuation of Group Coverage Required; Exception.
Sec. 1251.252. Eligibility for Continuation of Group Coverage.
Sec. 1251.253. Request for Continuation of Group Coverage.
Sec. 1251.254. Payment of Contributions.
Sec. 1251.255. Termination of Continued Coverage.
Sec. 1251.256. Conversion of Group Policy.
Sec. 1251.257. Premium for Converted Policy.
Sec. 1251.258. Benefits Under Converted Policy.
Sec. 1251.259. Termination of Converted Policy.
Sec. 1251.260. Notice of Continuation and Conversion Privileges.