Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle B. Group Health Coverage
Chapter 1253. Cancellation of Group Coverage in Certain Circumstances
Subchapter B. Continuation of Group Accident and Health Insurance Policies During Labor Dispute
Sec. 1253.051. Applicability of Subchapter.
Sec. 1253.052. Continuation of Group Accident and Health Insurance During Labor Dispute Required for Certain Policies.
Sec. 1253.053. Contributions If Policyholder Is Trustee.
Sec. 1253.054. Contributions If Policyholder Is Not Trustee.
Sec. 1253.055. Payment of Contribution and Premium.
Sec. 1253.056. Past Due Premium.
Sec. 1253.057. Individual Premium Rate Increase.
Sec. 1253.058. Premium Rate Change Not Limited.
Sec. 1253.059. Limitations On Continuation of Coverage.
Sec. 1253.060. Other Provisions; Commissioner Approval Required.