Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle E. Benefits Payable Under Health Coverages
Chapter 1351. Home Health Services
Sec. 1351.001. Definitions.
Sec. 1351.002. Applicability of Chapter.
Sec. 1351.003. Applicability of General Provisions of Other Law.
Sec. 1351.004. Exception.
Sec. 1351.005. Coverage Required.
Sec. 1351.006. Reimbursement for Home Health Services: Physician Certification Required.
Sec. 1351.007. Limitations and Exclusions On Coverage Permitted.
Sec. 1351.008. Rejection of Coverage by Plan Holder; Negotiation of Alternative Coverage.
Sec. 1351.009. Additional Coverage Not Precluded.