Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle E. Benefits Payable Under Health Coverages
Chapter 1352. Brain Injury
Sec. 1352.001. Applicability of Chapter.
Sec. 1352.002. Exception; Application to Qualified Health Plan.
Sec. 1352.003. Required Coverages--health Benefit Plans Other Than Small Employer Health Benefit Plans.
Sec. 1352.0035. Required Coverages--small Employer Health Benefit Plans.
Sec. 1352.004. Training for Certain Personnel Required.
Sec. 1352.005. Notice to Insureds and Enrollees.
Sec. 1352.006. Determination of Medical Necessity; Extension of Coverage.
Sec. 1352.007. Treatment Facilities.
Sec. 1352.008. Consumer Information.