Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle G. Health Coverage Availability
Chapter 1501. Health Insurance Portability and Availability Act
Subchapter C. Provision of Coverage
Sec. 1501.101. Geographic Service Areas.
Sec. 1501.102. Preexisting Condition Provision.
Sec. 1501.103. Treatment of Certain Conditions As Preexisting Prohibited.
Sec. 1501.104. Affiliation Period.
Sec. 1501.105. Waiting Period Permitted.
Sec. 1501.106. Certain Limitations Or Exclusions of Coverage Prohibited.
Sec. 1501.107. Discounts, Rebates, and Reductions.
Sec. 1501.108. Renewability of Coverage; Cancellation.
Sec. 1501.109. Refusal to Renew; Discontinuation of Coverage.
Sec. 1501.110. Notice to Covered Persons.
Sec. 1501.111. Written Statement of Denial, Cancellation, Or Refusal to Renew Required.