Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle G. Health Coverage Availability
Chapter 1501. Health Insurance Portability and Availability Act
Subchapter E. Underwriting and Rating of Small Employer Health Benefit Plans
Sec. 1501.201. Definitions.
Sec. 1501.202. Establishment of Classes of Business.
Sec. 1501.203. Establishment of Classes of Business On Certain Bases Prohibited.
Sec. 1501.204. Index Rates.
Sec. 1501.205. Premium Rates: Establishment.
Sec. 1501.206. Premium Rates: Adjustments.
Sec. 1501.207. Premium Rate Adjustment in Closed Plan.
Sec. 1501.208. Premium Rates: Industry Classification.
Sec. 1501.209. Premium Rates: Number of Employees.
Sec. 1501.210. Premium Rates: Nondiscrimination.
Sec. 1501.211. Rules Concerning Premium Rates.
Sec. 1501.212. Restricted Provider Network.
Sec. 1501.213. Premium Rates: Health Maintenance Organization Health Benefit Plan.
Sec. 1501.214. Enforcement.
Sec. 1501.215. Reporting Requirements.
Sec. 1501.216. Premium Rates: Notice of Increase.