Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle G. Health Coverage Availability
Chapter 1501. Health Insurance Portability and Availability Act
Subchapter F. Coverage Under Small Employer Health Benefit Plans
Sec. 1501.251. Exception from Certain Mandated Benefit Requirements.
Sec. 1501.252. Health Benefit Plans.
Sec. 1501.254. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Benefits.
Sec. 1501.255. Health Maintenance Organization Plans.
Sec. 1501.256. Coordination with Federal Law.
Sec. 1501.2561. Waiver of Certain Federal Requirements.
Sec. 1501.257. Cost Containment.
Sec. 1501.258. Forms.
Sec. 1501.259. Riders; Filing with Commissioner.
Sec. 1501.260. Plain Language Required.