Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle H. Health Benefits and Other Coverages for Governmental Employees
Chapter 1551. Texas Employees Group Benefits Act
Subchapter D. Coverage for Dependents
Sec. 1551.151. Entitlement to Coverage.
Sec. 1551.152. Eligibility of Foster Child.
Sec. 1551.153. Participant Residing Outside of Service Area.
Sec. 1551.154. Employee Payments.
Sec. 1551.155. Coverage Options for Surviving Spouse.
Sec. 1551.156. Coverage Options for Surviving Dependent.
Sec. 1551.157. Coverage Options After Expiration of Annuity Option.
Sec. 1551.158. Reinstatement of Health Benefit Plan Coverage by Certain Dependents.