Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle H. Health Benefits and Other Coverages for Governmental Employees
Chapter 1575. Texas Public School Employees Group Benefits Program
Subchapter H. Coordinated Care Network
Sec. 1575.351. Definitions.
Sec. 1575.352. Implementation and Administration.
Sec. 1575.353. Contracts with Health Care Providers and Others.
Sec. 1575.354. Credentialing Committees.
Sec. 1575.355. Immunity from Liability Arising from Acts Or Omissions of Health Care Provider.
Sec. 1575.356. Immunity from Liability Arising from Evaluation of Qualifications Or Care.
Sec. 1575.357. Immunity from Liability Arising from Acts Relating to Credentialing Committee.
Sec. 1575.358. Open Meetings Law Not Applicable to Credentialing Committee.
Sec. 1575.359. Records and Proceedings of Credentialing Committee Not Subject to Subpoena.
Sec. 1575.360. Confidentiality.
Sec. 1575.361. Disclosure to Health Care Provider.
Sec. 1575.362. Disclosure to Certain Entities.
Sec. 1575.363. Disclosure to Defendants in Civil Actions.