Texas Statutes
Labor Code
Title 4. Employment Services and Unemployment
Subtitle A. Texas Unemployment Compensation Act
Chapter 201. Unemployment Compensation Act--general Provisions
Subchapter C. Definition of Employer
Sec. 201.021. General Definition of Employer.
Sec. 201.022. Effect of Business Acquisition.
Sec. 201.023. Tax-exempt Nonprofit Organization.
Sec. 201.024. Election to Be Employer.
Sec. 201.025. Employer Under Federal Law.
Sec. 201.026. State; Political Subdivision.
Sec. 201.027. Employer of Domestic Service Worker.
Sec. 201.028. Employer of Farm and Ranch Laborer.
Sec. 201.029. Temporary Help Firm.
Sec. 201.030. Professional Employer Organization.