Texas Statutes
Labor Code
Title 4. Employment Services and Unemployment
Subtitle A. Texas Unemployment Compensation Act
Chapter 213. Enforcement of Texas Unemployment Compensation Act
Subchapter D. Other Enforcement Remedies Against Employer
Sec. 213.051. Forfeiture of Right to Employ Individuals in This State; Bond.
Sec. 213.052. Injunction Restraining Certain Violations.
Sec. 213.053. Violation of Injunction; Receiver.
Sec. 213.054. Offset Against State Warrant.
Sec. 213.055. Audit of Employer.
Sec. 213.056. Estimated Taxable Wages If Report Not Filed.
Sec. 213.057. Tax Lien.
Sec. 213.058. Additional Tax Lien Enforced by Commission.
Sec. 213.059. Delinquency; Notice of Levy.
Sec. 213.060. Enforcement Against Indian Tribe.