Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 10. Parks and Other Recreational and Cultural Resources
Subtitle B. County Parks and Other Recreational and Cultural Resources
Chapter 327. Zoological Operation and Maintenance Boards
Subchapter E. General Fiscal Provisions
Sec. 327.201. General Zoo Board and County Power Over Funds.
Sec. 327.202. Accounting and Control Procedures.
Sec. 327.203. Purchasing and Expenditure Method.
Sec. 327.204. Fiscal Year.
Sec. 327.205. Annual Audit Required.
Sec. 327.206. Annual Budget Proposal.
Sec. 327.207. Adoption of Annual Budget; Hearings.
Sec. 327.208. Limitations On Expenditures and Investments.
Sec. 327.209. Account of Zoo Board Disbursements.