Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 11. Public Safety
Subtitle B. County Public Safety
Chapter 351. County Jails and Law Enforcement
Subchapter A. County Jail Facilities
Sec. 351.001. Duty to Provide Jails; Location.
Sec. 351.002. Jail Standards.
Sec. 351.003. Exemption.
Sec. 351.0035. Temporary Housing.
Sec. 351.0036. Housing of Correctional Program Participants.
Sec. 351.004. Structural and Maintenance Requirements.
Sec. 351.007. Space Requirements.
Sec. 351.008. Access to Day Room.
Sec. 351.009. Safety Vestibule.
Sec. 351.010. Sanitation and Health Requirements.
Sec. 351.011. Furnishings of Cells, Compartments, and Dormitories.
Sec. 351.012. Furnishings of Day Rooms.
Sec. 351.013. Bunks.
Sec. 351.014. Holding Insane Persons.
Sec. 351.015. Enforcement.