Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 11. Public Safety
Subtitle B. County Public Safety
Chapter 351. County Jails and Law Enforcement
Subchapter C. Operation of County Jails
Sec. 351.041. Sheriff.
Sec. 351.0415. Commissary Operation by Sheriff Or Private Vendor.
Sec. 351.04155. Commissary Operation by Sheriff in Certain Counties.
Sec. 351.042. Jail Administrator in Bexar County.
Sec. 351.043. Federal Prisoners.
Sec. 351.044. Prisoner in Another County's Jail.
Sec. 351.045. Employment of Health Care Providers.
Sec. 351.046. Notice to Certain Governmental Entities.
Sec. 351.047. Assistance with Reinstatement of Benefits.
Sec. 351.048. Duties Following Miscarriage Or Physical Or Sexual Assault of Pregnant Prisoner.