Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 11. Public Safety
Subtitle B. County Public Safety
Chapter 351. County Jails and Law Enforcement
Subchapter G. Jail District
Sec. 351.121. Definitions.
Sec. 351.122. Eligible Counties; Purpose; Boundaries.
Sec. 351.123. Petition.
Sec. 351.124. Hearing.
Sec. 351.125. Granting Or Denying Petition.
Sec. 351.126. Appointment of Temporary Directors.
Sec. 351.127. Confirmation Election.
Sec. 351.128. Bond and Tax Proposition.
Sec. 351.129. Board of Directors.
Sec. 351.130. Method of Election; Staggered Terms; Term of Office; Election Date.
Sec. 351.131. Oath; Compensation; Officers; Quorum.
Sec. 351.132. General Manager; Employees.
Sec. 351.133. District Office; Meetings; Minutes; Records; Seal.
Sec. 351.134. Contracts; Suits; Payment of Judgment; Insurance.
Sec. 351.135. General Powers.
Sec. 351.136. Acquisition of Property for Site; Lease; Eminent Domain.
Sec. 351.137. Construction Contracts.
Sec. 351.138. Contractor's Bond.
Sec. 351.139. Monitoring Construction Work.
Sec. 351.140. Payment for Construction Work.
Sec. 351.141. Final Approval and Conveyance by Board.
Sec. 351.142. Responsibilities of Receiving County.
Sec. 351.143. Changes and Additions to Facilities.
Sec. 351.144. Contracts for Purchase of Vehicles, Equipment, and Supplies Over $5,000.
Sec. 351.145. Fiscal Year; Annual Audit; Annual Budget.
Sec. 351.146. Depository.
Sec. 351.147. Investments.
Sec. 351.148. Repayment of Organizational Expenses.
Sec. 351.149. Issuance of Bonds.
Sec. 351.150. Manner of Repayment of Bonds.
Sec. 351.151. Bond and Tax Election.
Sec. 351.152. Form of Bonds.
Sec. 351.153. Provisions of Bonds.
Sec. 351.154. Approval by Attorney General; Registration by Comptroller.
Sec. 351.155. Refunding Bonds.
Sec. 351.156. Bonds As Investments; Bonds As Security for Deposits.
Sec. 351.157. Tax Status of Bonds.
Sec. 351.158. Levy of Taxes.
Sec. 351.159. Dissolution of District.