Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 2. Organization of Municipal Government
Subtitle D. General Powers of Municipalities
Chapter 51. General Powers of Municipalities
Subchapter E. Provisions Applicable to Home-rule Municipality
Sec. 51.071. Subchapter Applicable to Home-rule Municipality.
Sec. 51.072. Authority of Local Self-government.
Sec. 51.073. Adoption of Charter Does Not Affect Rights and Claims.
Sec. 51.074. Perpetual Succession.
Sec. 51.075. Authority Relating to Lawsuits.
Sec. 51.076. Authority Relating to Property.
Sec. 51.077. Liability for Damages.
Sec. 51.078. Preservation of Certain Powers Granted Before 1913.
Sec. 51.079. Restrictions Applying to Nonbinding Referendum.