Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 3. Organization of County Government
Subtitle B. Commissioners Court and County Officers
Chapter 84. County Auditor
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 84.001. Effect of Reference to "district Judges"; Majority Vote Required.
Sec. 84.002. Appointment of County Auditor.
Sec. 84.003. Procedure for Appointment.
Sec. 84.004. Term.
Sec. 84.005. Procedure for Appointment and Term in Populous County.
Sec. 84.006. Qualifications.
Sec. 84.007. Bond and Oath.
Sec. 84.008. Joint Employment of County Auditor.
Sec. 84.0085. Continuing Education.
Sec. 84.009. Removal.