Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 3. Organization of County Government
Subtitle B. Commissioners Court and County Officers
Chapter 87. Removal of County Officers from Office; Filling of Vacancies
Subchapter B. Removal by Petition and Trial
Sec. 87.011. Definitions.
Sec. 87.012. Officers Subject to Removal.
Sec. 87.013. General Grounds for Removal.
Sec. 87.0131. Defense in Certain Cases.
Sec. 87.014. Grounds: Failure to Give Bond.
Sec. 87.015. Petition for Removal.
Sec. 87.0151. Assignment of Judge in Certain Cases.
Sec. 87.016. Citation of Officer.
Sec. 87.017. Suspension Pending Trial; Temporary Appointee.
Sec. 87.018. Trial.
Sec. 87.019. Appeal.