Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 4. Finances
Subtitle B. County Finances
Chapter 111. County Budget
Subchapter A. Budget Preparation in Counties with Population of 225,000 Or Less
Sec. 111.001. Subchapter Applicable to Counties with Population of 225,000 Or Less; Exception.
Sec. 111.002. County Judge As Budget Officer.
Sec. 111.003. Annual Budget Required.
Sec. 111.004. Itemized Budget; Contents.
Sec. 111.005. Information Furnished by County Officers.
Sec. 111.006. Proposed Budget Filed with County Clerk; Public Inspection.
Sec. 111.007. Public Hearing On Proposed Budget.
Sec. 111.0075. Special Notice by Publication for Budget Hearing.
Sec. 111.008. Adoption of Budget.
Sec. 111.009. Approved Budget Filed with County Clerk: Posting On Internet.
Sec. 111.010. Levy of Taxes and Expenditure of Funds Under Budget; Emergency Expenditure; Budget Transfer.
Sec. 111.0105. Budget for Expenditures from Proceeds of Bonds Or Other Obligations.
Sec. 111.0106. Special Budget for Grant Or Aid Money.
Sec. 111.0107. Special Budget for Revenue from Intergovernmental Contracts.
Sec. 111.0108. Special Budget for Revenue Received After Start of Fiscal Year.
Sec. 111.011. Changes in Budget for County Purposes.
Sec. 111.012. Penalty.
Sec. 111.013. Limitation On Budget of County Auditor.
Sec. 111.014. Reserve Item.