Texas Statutes
Local Government Code
Title 4. Finances
Subtitle B. County Finances
Chapter 113. Management of County Money
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 113.0001. Definitions.
Sec. 113.001. County Treasurer As Chief Custodian of Money.
Sec. 113.002. County Treasurer's Record of Receipts and Expenditures.
Sec. 113.003. Receipt of Money by County Treasurer.
Sec. 113.004. Classes of County Funds.
Sec. 113.005. Liability of County Treasurer.
Sec. 113.006. Liability of County Tax Assessor-collector.
Sec. 113.008. Reconciliation of Depository Accounts.
Sec. 113.009. Civil Liability of County Tax Assessor-collector; Audit by Comptroller.